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A large lobby with an interesting wooden sculpture hanging from the ceiling. A large lobby with an interesting wooden sculpture hanging from the ceiling.




Christian Lacroix

Designer Christian Lacroix stands with members of the SO/ Bangkok Hotel staff, dressed in his beautifully designed uniforms.

Christian Lacroix

从新颖的员工制服到大堂的创意装置,再到迷人的俱乐部签名酒廊设计,世界知名时装设计师 Christian Lacroix 的“生命之树”风格运古化今,重新演绎古老主题,呈现出 SO/ Bangkok 酒店独有的标志性徽章。


Smith Obayawat

A view of the impressive SO Bangkok hotel

Smith Obayawat

从新颖的员工制服到大堂的创意装置,再到迷人的俱乐部签名酒廊设计,世界知名时装设计师 Christian Lacroix 的“生命之树”风格运古化今,重新演绎古老主题,呈现出 SO/ Bangkok 酒店独有的标志性徽章。

Pongthep Sagulku

A large bed, desk and armchair face a floor to ceiling window with a beautiful view outside.

Pongthep Sagulku

Pongthep Sagulku 以其简约美学、简洁线条和永恒魅力而闻名,拥有一批令人印象深刻的客户群——从全球酒店巨头到独一无二的精品酒店。

Vitoon Kunalungkarn

A blue and white themed hotel room with a large bed, desk, and floor to ceiling window displaying a view of Bangkok at night

Vitoon Kunalungkarn

Vitoon Kunalungkarn 奠定了 SO/ Bangkok曼谷酒店的卓越超前风格,他一直走在当代泰国设计的前沿,是曼谷许多时尚商业地产的驱动者。

Nithi Sthapitanonda

A wooden themed hotel room. A king bed sits in the middle opposite a large TV and a seating area overlooks a view of Bangkok.

Nithi Sthapitanonda

因其多学科的设计方法而闻名的 Nithi Sthapitanonda ,享有 2002 年泰国国家艺术家、IA49 主席、Architects 49 和著名的 49 Group 的创始人兼总裁等头衔。

Somchai Jongsaeng

A hotel bedroom. A large bed with white sheets sits underneath two wall features. A chaise longue sits next to a floor to ceiling window.

Somchai Jongsaeng

Somchai Jongsaeng 以其哲学设计方法而闻名,擅长运用艺术建构出一个连接人与公共空间的交互设计。Jongsaeng 拥有多元化的投资组合,从现代办公空间、豪华精品店到泰国精英的私人庄园皆有。

Rujiraporn Wanglee

A large open restaurant with a buffet in the middle. Above in a blackboard reads 'Red Oven'.

Rujiraporn Wanglee

Rujiraporn Wanglee 是 PIA 具有开拓性的董事总经理:PIA 将现代性与曼谷丰富的历史相结合,创造性地将城市灵魂融入现代设计的空间。


这是位于我们 25 楼的行政酒廊,由 Christian Lacroix 设计,呈现出独特的新旧视觉碰撞、以超现实主义的中心艺术作品,同时也是一个能够给客人留下印象深刻的、兼收并蓄的空间。




A round table ladened with water bottles, glasses and note books.